
=標註/credit me=

simple use by"@AliceDemon929" or "@魔王喝茶中" just can.

Q. Can I sing/use your song/cover/video version?

  • sure! just make sure you credit! uwu

Q. What drawing program / graphics tablet, digitizer you use?

  • SAI/FireAlpaca/CSP、Wacom!

Q.Where should I download those your MMD motion/model?

  • -Check my website! and those keys and URLs all can find they here, u can find them I'm promise.
  • and Please、Sincerely, don't ask me "where is password?" they all in the same place!!!
  • if you can't find motion dl pass, plz just looking this、try to touching the little sentence「+Motion/Camera Download+password: "(and here is your dear key)"」

Q. What Program you use for making games? 

  •  -RPG Maker XP ♡ *now*

Q. How should I Find/Contact you?

  • use FB/ Twitter🐦or 信箱: happying44@gmail.com



Email: happying44@gmail.com ◈ 上網搜尋-@AliceDemon929
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